Sunday, January 22, 2012

In loving memory of Anaya - Krabbe Leukodystrophy awareness

Anaya Cassin Potts
August 2009 - November 2011

Baby Anaya was diagnosed with Infantile Krabbe Leukodystrophy in May 2010.
She first started showing symptoms in February of 2010 at the age of 4 months.
This rare disease causes demylination in the brain due to lack of a specific enzyme required to metabolize fats. It can strike families with no medical history of any neurological problems. Two healthy parents who both carry a recessive gene for this enzyme deficiency can produce a perfectly healthy looking newborn, who, at the age of three or four months, will begin showing symptoms of Krabbe Leukodystrophy.

The outlook for kids with Krabbe is bleak. In most cases a baby diagnosed with infantile Krabbe will develop normally for a few months and then lose their motor skills, the ability to hold their heads up, the ability to smile, laugh or speak, followed by loss of sight and hearing. Seizures may or may not occur and average life expectancy is less than 2 years.

Anaya gained some skills and lost them. She was fed through a G- tube and lost her sight. She struggles mostly with excessive mucous production in her throat which sometimes blocks her airway.

Little Anaya gained her angel wings on November 13, 2011.

Krabbe Leukodystrophy is treatable with stem cell transplant if it is tested for at birth.
Be sure to ask for supplemental newborn screening for new babies.
Anaya could have been saved, had she been tested.

Rest in peace Anaya 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Doctors deny Amelia 'Mia' Rivera from having a kidney transplant - because she is mentally disabled

At just three years old Mia Rivera has not many months to live,
But doctors refuse to carry out the vital kidney transplant she needs to survive - because she is disabled.
She has Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes mental and physical developmental delays. Many sufferers do not live beyond the age of two.

Her family stand willing to donate their own organs.
But when Mia's mother went to their local hospital in Philadelphia last week to discuss the transplant, doctors told her they will not recommend transplantation for the little girl.
Chrissy Rivera told ABC News she initially 'thought we were just finding out how a transplant works and how we could be a donor.'
'But then, I was told we couldn't because she was mentally retarded,' she said. 'Those were the exact words on a piece of paper.' 

Mia who has two brothers, aged 11 and 6 cannot walk or talk and has a gastrointestinal tube because she cannot eat by herself. '
'But she smiles and plays and recognizes us and loves her brothers,' said Rivera. 'They love to play with her.'

Rivera believes doctors' preconceptions about Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome are 'pretty dated.' 
'There are people in their sixties and plenty of them in young adulthood in their 20s, 30s and 40s,' she said.
'Any mother wants the best for her child and will do whatever it takes to get it,' said Rivera, '
Mia isn't to blame for this. She didn't want ask for this syndrome and all we ask for is the right to fair medical treatment.'
'The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia said it 'does not disqualify potential transplant candidates on the basis of intellectual abilities,' but refused to comment on the specific case.

Please keep Mia and her family in your thoughts & prayers during this difficult time!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The story of Anonymous Baby Girl (Ökant Flickebarn)

December 21, 2002 in Sweden two women found a body of a baby girl from underpass. The baby had been only few hours old when she died, cause of death was abuse.
Police did get her mothers DNA but they still dont know who she is.
In Janury 2007 they fot 3 anonymous phone calls. The woman who called them told that she was the mother of that Baby Girl. Polices believe the woman told the truth as she was really emotional when she told what had happened to her daughter and she knew things that only police knew.
She told that she had given birth at home and when she was breastfeeding her daughter for the first time the babys father took the baby away from her and that was the last time she ever saw them.
Police thinks that the woman might be from Finland as she spoke Swedish in Finnish accent.

Her funeral was held in 2003.

Anonymous Baby Girl rests in Kungsängen Kirks cemetery in northwest Stockholm.

Rest in peace Ökänt Flickebarn.

Police Sture Olovsson hopes that the Baby's mother or anyone who might know something would call to this number: +46733315054

We have always been told that television can harm our childrens health. But never imagine in a physical way?

McKenna Jodell Fox  
27/12/2007 -27/09/2008
September 27th 2007 was the day McKennas parents world came crashing down. Mckenna was only 9 months old. While moving a TV her mother was reaching behind to pull the cords started to fall, she tried to push it back but it was too heavy so she thought oh who cares its just a TV not realizing her daughter had crawled up next to her so the TV fell on Mckenna. She put a good fight but it was too much for her to take and she passed away in her mothers arms 6 hours later.
As witten by her mother Ashley: "Our lives were forever changed in a matter of seconds. Life will never be the same. She had a smile that would light up the room and a laugh that melted your heart. She was funny and smart and the kind of baby everyone wished they had. I never took her for granted I enjoyed every moment with her. I never wished her grow up because I knew it would go by so fast. I loved that little girl with every inch of my soul. She is missed by so many and will never ever be forgotten."

In loving memory of McKenna

 Mikayla Weber
4 year old Mikayla is lucky to be alive after suffering horrific head injuries when a 30kg television fell on her.
The television had been sitting on top of a chest of drawers when it fell more than a metre on to Mikayla's head on January 20, 2010.
Her mother rushed to the room and found her daughter lying under the giant set, with just her feet visible.
"She had blood coming out of her mouth, ear and her nose and I thought she was dying," Ms Weber said.
Mikayla also had a large gash on the side of her head.
When Mikayla's chest suddenly heaved with a big breath, Ms Weber realised her daughter had not even been breathing.
She arrived at the Royal Children's Hospital in a critical condition, and doctors told Ms Weber they did not know if they could do anything for Mikayla.
"I never imagined in my wildest dreams a television could do so much damage," Ms Weber said.
Mikayla had surgery to repair the damaged brain lining, and part of the surrounding skull was removed to allow room for her brain to swell, neurosurgeon Wirginia Maixner said.
A drain was inserted to help alleviate the pressure in her brain from the swelling.
She was in an induced coma for six days, her mother by her side, hovering between life and death.
Mikayla now has her skull repaired and it making a good recovery.
Doctors hope she will make a full recovery, but given the severity of her injury, it could take some time and she could be left with subtle deficits.

The advice tonight: just take a look aroung the back of your TV, see if there is an anchor point you can use; push the top, could a kid reach that? Kids are very clever, they can get on chairs, up draws and everything. So take a few minutes to fix it yourself or get someone to do it for you.

Also TVs placed in objects not to desing to hold them are big danger.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Prayers for the Smith family

January 7th, 2012 was a nightmare to the Smith family.
Their house in Freckleton, Lancashire, England was full of partygoers celebrating Michelle Smiths 36-birthday when a small fire started upstairs where Michelle's 3 youngest children were sleeping. They were unware anything was wrong before it was too late.
Michelle's 19 year old son Reece run to the upstairs to save his younger siblings followed by his brother Andrew Smith but Andrew couldnt make it to the upstairs because of the fire.
Sadly Reece died trying to save his siblings, 4 year old twins Holly and Ella and 2 year old Jordan also passed away.

 Ella & Holly

 Reece & Jordan

 Andrew with Holly & Ella

Lancashire Fire Services confirmed the smike alarms were fitted but were not working when the fire started. The family allowed the Fire Services to reveal the information in the hope other families would test their smoke alarms to avert similar tragedies.

 Holly, Jordan & Ella

The police is now treating the fire as suspicious. Its confirmed that the fire started from a wardrobe. 18 year old boy has been arrested on suspicious of murder.

In loving memory of Reece, Holly, Ella and Jordan Smith. x